I absolutely love it I just wanted to say thank you for a beautiful job with my Grand Canyon photo! I absolutely love it, and will keep you in mind in the future for my photos and gift ideas.
Pat, | Best wishes Just to let you know that we received the three canvases on Monday.
Thank you doing an excellent job. My wife and I are very pleased with the results.
Best wishes,
Shaaram, New York | delighted with the service I\'ve been delighted with the service. I\'m getting canvas prints made and they do an excellent job. They are well framed and most importantly the colour is very close to what I see on my profiled monitor. I did purchase canvas and coating to do the work myself but in the end decided that given the quality and pricing, it just didn\'t make sense to do it myself. I`ll be continuing to use CanadaOnCanvas for my large prints.
George Barr, Calgary | matted frame Thanks for all your help. I received the frame and it looks fantastic!
Roberto, |