I am blown away! It couldn\'t have been easier, right from the start, the web site is easy to navigate,quick response regarding order status,product delivered as promised.(complete with all hanging hardware)I will definitely be back. Well done!
Brad Widdifield, Lethbridge | Absolutely thrilled Absolutely thrilled with the quality, service and price. Thank you so much Victoria Canvas.
Jackie Hildering, Port McNeill | Quality paiting I got the painting on Friday. Its beautiful: Perfect size, beautiful contrast of colors, great attention to detail, filled with areas of perfection and imperfections. The more I see the painting the more I fall in admiration for it. The painter has made her smile beautiful and realistic .
Thank you for the painting and thank you for being patient with me.
Shahraam, | THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH I live in the UK and wanted this picture for my sister in Calgary. I checked at least a dozen sites and you were the cheapest by far and your delivery service is great. I was able to track the picture right up to delivery. The reply from my sister was this :- THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH - the picture arrived late yesterday afternoon
The canvas is beautifully done, so clear and has a sheen that is so nice
Neil Potter, Norwich United Kingdom |